ABOUT 2017-11-29T19:44:35+00:00


Impact Solutions stated goal is to provide our customer with “Impactful Marketing –
From Concept To Creation.” Our continued success at achieving this goal is due to the Award Winning team of social media, scriptwriting, video, editing, graphic, photography, and marketing experts that make up the creative ‘Heart and Soul’ of Impact Solutions.

Whether it is a product, process, or organization, Impact Solutions can bring your unique story to life in a way that effectively reaches, and engages the minds of your target audience and potential customers.

Some of our clients already have the perfect vision, and look to Impact Solutions to bring that vision to life. Others are still in the process of developing marketing strategies that fit both their need, and budget. We have the expertise to assist both clients, and frankly, any customer need and situation in between.

Effective presentation development incorporates modern design, compelling copy and sound marketing strategies. Let our team at Impact Solutions show you why we are the effective and affordable choice to spearhead your production needs.

Putting the effort into producing a library of quality online video content isn’t just a value to your website. These videos can be broadcasted across your social media accounts, shown to patients in your waiting rooms, and even be emailed. In fact, statistics show that videos in email increases click through rate by 96%!

At Impact Solutions, we understand the value of video content for your medical practice, and we look forward to an opportunity to work with you! For more information contact us.